Apply Admission Procedure

Apply & Admission Procedure

Prior to getting admitted at any institution, it is essential for student to select the session of the course. Every College/University has a different session and  different dates of commencement. Admission procedure involves some necessary requirements that the valued students need to follow. Delaying in providing required documentation may cause delay in the application or may get refusal. The exceptionally trained ANECS – International documentation officers thoroughly check the documents, if there are documents missing in the admission file, the expert documentation office ask the valued students to complete their documents.

Finally that leads in having admission from the required as soon as the  documentation gets completed. Below mentioned is the list of documents that are necessary for the valued students to bring for admission.

Provide Following Documents in Conditions mentioned below

A – Provide “Appearance Certificate” from your College/University if student is appearing in examination before commencement of classes abroad.
B – Provide “Provisional Certificate” if Degree/Certificate is not issued from
C – Provide “Awaiting for Result Certificate” from respective Local College/University, (If result not yet announced)
4 – 02 Teacher Reference Letters from the last Institutions.
5 – Provide Statement of Purpose, which determine “why you wish to study  abroad & what benefits that course of study brings in your life”
6 – Experience Certificate ( In case of gap or in case of employment)
7. Copy of IELTS/ TOEFL score sheet, if available before processing  application.

After the submission of these required documents, students are asked to get
ready for the interview. According the new “Tier 4 Policy” of the UK Border agency Skype online interview is conducted from the valued students in order to issue the CAS letter. After that the valued students first get an “offer letter” from the College/University they’ve applied in. If there’s any further document remaining then the college mentions in on the Offer letter. When the college completes its all necessary process eventually University/College issues the admission letter for the valued student.